Is DocuChain Really Safe?

Docu Chain is really really safe! We process emails in nearly real time. As soon as we get an email we encrypt the file and send the key. This way your attachments are private even if our system’s security were to ever have a breach. 

Does DocuChain encrypt my documents?

Encryption is only provided when we receive documents that are not encrypted using ZIP archive.  It is always best to encrypt your documents first so that you and your client can determine the encryption key, otherwise our system will handle it automatically. 

When would I use DocuChain?

Anytime you want a legal document locked in time:

  • Estate Planning
  • Pre-Nuptial, post-Nuptial Agreements
  • Intellectual Property
  • Trade Secrets
  • Other long-term agreements exceeding 10-years or more

How large of a document can I send?

There is no limit to the size of document that you can upload. However, if you are submitting via email, you can send as large as your email and google allow. We use google as an email service provider. 10MB is a good rule of thumb. If it’s too large it will simply reject the email. 

Does DocuChain integrate with Clio?

Yes it does! Just click here to be sent an invite email.

I lost my Encryption Key, is my document recoverable?

If you provided DocuChain encrypted documents:

We have no idea.  Encryption happened under the care of you and/or your legal counsel.  We highly encourage you to reach out to them.

If you provided DocuChain unencrypted documents:
Unlikely. DocuChain does not keep or store your key. Many of these documents have extreme privacy and security concerns. As soon as we send the key to you we delete it. This ensures that under the event a malicious user gets access to our server they won’t get access to your personal documents. The downside is they are not recoverable. However if you used legal counsel, it may be that the lawyer is retaining the key. 

Can I choose my own password for encryption?

Creating your own password protected ZIP files is possible on any computer (Mac and Windows) but neither provide an easy method to do this.

In Windows you must install a 3rd party application (we recommend 7zip, WinRAR or WinZip).  On a Mac you can do this but must use the zip command in the terminal.

Can I view my transaction history with DocuChain?

Sort of. Learning how to look at the data on the blockchain is confusing to say the least. However we do provide a link to a third party blockchain analyzer in the final email with each transaction. You can view the raw data there and see your file, and a few other pieces of information that were stored. 

How does DocuChain determine what the fees will be?

It’s a simple calculation (subject to change) that comes out to be roughly $20. This covers server overhead with document processing, encryption, perform the blockchain minting, and the guarantee of storage for years. 

What value is there to posting my legal documents on the blockchain?

Private, censorship resistant, immutable. If you ever want to prove irrefutably that a document existed at a certain point of time, the blockchain makes use of cryptographic math to accomplish this. With DocuChain you have proof as to when it was uploaded, proof that your document hasn’t changed, and encryption built in to keep it private.

What should be included in the contract to indicate the desire of this person to have the signed copy stored on Blockchain?

Upon completion of signatures, this document will be digitized and registered on the blockchain.

Can my data ever be taken down from the Blockchain?

No. The good and bad part of the blockchain is that data is out there forever and can’t be taken down. This makes it a great ledger for proving that something happened. 

Why are my descriptions cut off?

All fields in Blockchain are limited to only 64 characters. This sentence is 66 characters as an example of how short that is.  When you send emails to use the subject line to name your post and the email body for a description to get the most flexibility to include all the details you want.

Can I send Encrypted Documents?

Absolutely, please do – however only use ZIP encryption.  We are not able to detect Encryption in any other form, therefore if you use a different type it will be treated as if you send a clear text file.